May 24, 2021; Ian Farquhar, i2i Product Solutions Consultant

As vaccinations ramp up and we move towards herd immunity, many Americans are experiencing deeply complicated emotions.

The pandemic brought grief, anxiety, and fatigue about the so-called “new normal,” especially for frontline employees seeing the devastating effects of COVID-19 first-hand. Our mental health, both individually and as a collective, may have taken a backseat as we focused on maintaining our physical health.

But the last few months have brought hope for a light at the end of the tunnel. Our world feels as though it is awakening once again. Vaccines have been rolled out, mandates are being lifted, and spaces are filling with voices and crowds that were very recently left quiet and desolate. And while there is excitement about traveling, seeing long-missed loved ones, and going out to restaurants, some are also experiencing apprehension during this transitional period.

The CDC announced on May 13th, 2021 that vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear masks, yet behind the liberated cheers of many may lurk emotions of anxiety and timidness as we move towards a post-COVID world. With over 500,000 American lives lost, the world is not the same one we hunkered down from in March 2020. Learning how to gradually navigate this “new normal” can be a cause of anxiety, even for those who are vaccinated. This transition can have significant effects on mental health but learning to cope in healthy ways can have substantial positive outcomes.

Consider managing post-COVID anxiety and stress by:

  • Giving yourself time and space to make the transition. Give yourself permission to take small steps as you feel comfortable.
  • Honoring your mind for getting you through and enduring this mentally tough year. Meditate, go on a walk, read a thought-provoking book, or cook a healthy meal.
  • Recognizing that everything may not feel the same as it did before—and that is okay.
  • Acknowledging the lessons learned during the pandemic: the ways to maintain physical health and wellness, the joy of being outdoors, and the importance of slowing down and taking restful breaks when needed.
Categories: BlogPublished On: May 24, 2021